Master of Change

Author: Brad Stulberg Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers


How to Excel When Everything Is Changing – Including You

A few weeks back, a friend and I delved into a discussion on why we struggle to maintain healthy habits and tend to revert to old routines.

Being a seasoned executive coach, she skillfully probed into my motivations, shedding light on my underlying patterns.

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Seeking further insights, I turned to my sister, a psychiatrist. Her blunt yet wise advice struck a chord: “You’re clinging to your comfort zone, but it’s time to shift your attitude and take action.”

So I decided it was finally time to dive into a book that had long lingered on my Goodreads “want to read” list.

“Master of Change” by Brad Stulberg offers a perspective on navigating the inevitable change. Drawing from a rich tapestry of philosophical traditions and contemporary psychological insights, Stulberg underscores the fundamental truth that change is not only constant but also neutral.

Throughout the book, Stulberg highlights the importance of embracing change with open arms, rather than clinging to the familiar and comfortable. In doing so, he introduces practical strategies for cultivating resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty.

In one chapter Stulberg talks about “zanshin”, borrowed from Japanese martial arts. Zanshin tells us how maintaining a state of relaxed yet heightened awareness—being fully present in the moment—can empower individuals to navigate change with grace and clarity. This notion of effortless vigilance serves as a guiding principle for approaching life’s transitions with mindfulness and intention.

One strategy Stulberg introduces to the readers the RAIN strategy—a simple yet powerful framework for managing reactions to change. By encouraging individuals to Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nonidentify with their internal experiences, he provides a roadmap for cultivating a mindful approach to change. The roadmap? Well, you will have to read the book! No spoilers here 🙂

Through the chapters, Stulberg guides readers towards greater self-awareness and emotional resilience, empowering them to navigate life’s transitions with mindfulness and intention.

“Master of Change” is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Listen to Brad Stulberg talking about his book.

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Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
ICT Consultant, Entrepreneur, Mentor, PMP and member of PMI Germany Chapter

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