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Erika Zebedeo

Hello, I’m Erika Zebedeo. Speaker, life coach, and fierce disruptor of the norms that force us to conform and contort ourselves for acceptance. As a happily divorced, single mom of two, I stand as a beacon for all the misfits, rebels, and freethinkers. I’m a former hair & makeup artist and have been helping people cultivate confidence for almost 20 years. Except now, I take an inside approach so your self-love is no longer dependent on your appearance. 

At the heart of my work, I help people rediscover who they are outside their trauma and social conditioning. It’s a process of unlearning and unbecoming. Whether working with a budding entrepreneur or a single mom going through a divorce, my goal is the same. To help them deepen into the self-trust that society has stripped from them. Self-trust will cause them to use their fear as fuel for their desires. 

We live in a society hell-bent on telling us to be anything but ourselves. A society that tells us to check the boxes of what they deem success is. While enforcing systems that make it impossible for us ALL to thrive. But I’m here to challenge that. My goal is to help you realize your inherent worth and craft a life that truly aligns with who you are.

I’m a curious soul that questions everything, especially the status quo. I’m determined to be the way to shower and evidence that you don’t have to check the boxes to have an insanely fulfilling life.  It’s when we let our desires guide us instead of the expectations of others that life becomes profoundly joyful, even in the midst of the inevitable storms. Forget toxic positivity. You get to be a whole human living an entire human experience, including being in the muck. You also get to be loved and accepted because of it, not despite it.

What can you expect from me? Self-love on steroids and a healthy dose of truth-telling will broaden your mind and spark curiosity about who you are underneath your traumas and conditioning.  We’ll explore everything that shapes your most important relationship—the one with yourself. My hope for you is to invest more in this relationship than ever before.

We’ve been conditioned to adopt certain beliefs and perceptions, often through a lens of patriarchy and oppressive systems. This affects not only how we see the world but also how we see ourselves.  The good news is we can choose to unlearn it all. 

That’s where I come in: your guide from conformity to authenticity. I work with individuals in my Rise and Thrive coaching program, and my Self Love Accelerator 2-week deep dive, with small groups in my Ethical and Embodied masterminds through in-person and online group workshops, and offer a growing library of digital resources like ebooks and masterclasses—all designed to help you thrive.

Join me in this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and let’s start living as our truest, weirdest, most authentic selves. Together, we can redefine what success and happiness look like for us.

In my upcoming columns, I plan to dive deep into various topics that resonate with us as women, challenging norms and sparking transformation. We’ll explore the power of saying no and setting boundaries that protect our peace, delve into strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome, and share stories of resilience and courage from women who have dared to be themselves. Expect practical advice on navigating career changes, cultivating confidence without conforming to beauty standards, managing life transitions, and fostering emotional intelligence and a deep sense of self.

I’ll also discuss the importance of preventative self-care that transcends traditional beauty routines by focusing on mental, emotional, and whole-life wellness. 

We’ll look at how embracing vulnerability can strengthen relationships, deepen intimacy, and lead to a more fulfilling life. 

Each column will invite you to engage in conversations that matter, activating you to lead a life devoted to your desires. 

Join me on this journey as we discover the tools to love ourselves like we never have before.

Connect with me. I’d love to hear from you!
Erika Zebedeo

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