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A Beacon of Professionalism, Warmth, and Resilience, Elizabeth Lao

Elizabeth Lao shines as a beacon in Miami's real estate scene, not just with her professional acumen, but with the warmth and resilience she brings into all her endeavors.

In the constellation of Miami’s bustling real estate universe, one star shines with an unparalleled brilliance, casting a warm, guiding light on all who cross her path—Elizabeth Lao. In a realm where the pulse of the market beats fast and hard, Elizabeth stands as a testament to what it means to marry professional excellence with a heart overflowing with warmth and resilience. Since 1994, Elizabeth has navigated the ebbs and flows of Miami’s real estate waters, not just with the acumen of a seasoned expert but with the tenderness and dedication of a sole guardian to her two sons. Her journey is not merely a career trajectory marked by impressive milestones; it’s a story of personal triumphs, of a love that knows no bounds, and of a resilience as enduring as the very foundations of the homes she helps to find.

Elizabeth’s career, blossoming under the tutelage of industry luminaries like Michael Goldstein, has seen her play pivotal roles in shaping the skyline of Miami, from the iconic Blue and Green Diamonds to the sandy shores of Sands Pointe. Yet, it’s her beginning at Mirage in Surfside that paints a picture of a woman who, even as a temp secretary, was as much a beacon of potential and drive. This was a role that eventually led her down a path lined with opportunities to demonstrate her multifaceted skills, from administrative prowess to language proficiency, bridging clients with their dream homes in languages that span from English to Spanish and Portuguese.

But to understand Elizabeth fully, one must look beyond the contracts and the developments to see the heart of a woman who, amidst the pressures of a demanding career, raised two boys into men with nothing but love, perseverance, and an unyielding commitment to their well-being. Her story is a masterclass in balance, in blending the demanding hours of real estate with the even more demanding role of a single mother. Elizabeth’s life is a canvas of sleepless nights spent sewing, of meals prepared with love, of nature trips, and of unwavering support for her sons’ interests and dreams.

Elizabeth’s resilience shines brightly, not just in her ability to rise with each dawn but in her choice to face each challenge with a heart full of dreams and a mind fortified by determination. Her story speaks to the indomitable spirit of a woman who, faced with the dual tasks of shaping a career and raising a family alone, chose to meet each day with kindness, professionalism, and an inexhaustible wellspring of love.

As Elizabeth looks to the future, her aspirations are a reflection of her journey—grounded in love for her family, fueled by a passion for her profession, and elevated by her artistic talents. She envisions a horizon where her professional endeavors and her personal creations converge, where each home sold is a chapter in her legacy, and every dress designed is a stitch in the fabric of her story.

How have you managed to balance the demands of a highly successful career in real estate with the responsibilities and joys of raising your sons on your own?

“Our home was a haven where we cherished every moment together, from preparing and sharing meals to exploring the wonders of nature; it was our classroom, our studio, and our sanctuary,” Elizabeth recalls. Emphasizing the importance of holistic education, she took an active role in her sons’ homeschooling, ensuring that their education extended beyond traditional subjects to include life skills, creativity, and a profound appreciation for nature. “They were like twins, born 19 months apart,” she reminisces, her face alight with a tender, loving smile that seems to cast a warm glow around her. There’s a distinct spark in her eyes, a brightness that intensifies whenever she speaks of her sons. It’s as if her whole being radiates with the joy and pride of motherhood.

Her love and dedication ensured that despite her busy schedule, she was present for every significant moment, from doctor’s appointments to school activities, embodying the role of both parents with steadfast devotion. From encouraging sports and skateboarding to fostering artistic expression through painting, Elizabeth aimed to provide a rich, multifaceted educational experience. “It was crucial for me to support their passions and curiosity, empowering them to pursue excellence in whatever captured their hearts,” she states.

Elizabeth’s dedication to her family was mirrored in her professional realm. In the tranquil hours of the night, she channeled her creativity into designing dresses,

building a personal brand that has flourished alongside her real estate career. “Those sleepless nights of creativity were not just a pursuit of a personal passion but a demonstration of the beauty and dreams I wanted to instill in my sons,” she shares. Her distinctive creations, worn proudly at industry events, became a symbol of her unique identity as both a real estate professional and a visionary dress designer.

For Elizabeth, these dual roles are not merely responsibilities; they are the essence of her identity. “Through the tough love we shared and the creative expression we nurtured, our bond strengthened, laying a foundation of stability, love, and the pursuit of beauty in all things,” she reflects. Now, as her sons, Vicenzo and Sandro, step into adulthood at 22 and 24 years old, respectively, the journey they’ve shared stands as a testament to the power of love, resilience, and creativity.

Elizabeth’s secret to maintaining this delicate balance is hidden in the “seamless integration of my roles,” as she puts it. At home, I am a mother first, ensuring that my sons feel loved and supported. We cherish our time together, whether it’s over dinner or exploring the great outdoors. Professionally, this same level of commitment guides my interactions with clients, ensuring they feel supported and valued throughout their journey in finding a new home.”

Can you share how your experiences as a single mother have shaped your approach to challenges in your professional life?

The journey of motherhood, especially as a single parent, intertwines deeply with professional resilience for Elizabeth Lao. Reflecting on her experiences, Elizabeth shares, “My son Sandro has always been uneasy with the term ‘single mother,’ perhaps because it simplifies the complex realities we’ve navigated. I’ve played dual roles, acting as both mother and father in the absence of sufficient paternal support. Despite the challenges, I’ve always been committed to maintaining a nurturing and stable environment for us as a family.”

This commitment required an incredible amount of resilience and discipline, especially in the face of minimal support. “There were moments I hoped for assistance that never came, often leaving me to shoulder the blame. Yet, looking back over the 22 years of raising my sons, I’m astounded by our journey and what we’ve accomplished together,” Elizabeth recalls with a sense of awe at their collective strength and perseverance.

Her younger son, Vicenzo, resonates with the strength embedded in the term ‘single mother,’ a testament to the everyday love and gratitude that binds their family. This familial journey has deeply influenced Elizabeth’s professional ethos, where resilience takes center stage. “The mantra of ‘never give up’ is ingrained in both my personal and professional life. Dreaming big, acting with kindness, and embracing peace are principles I live by,” Elizabeth states, underscoring the importance of a positive outlook and mental well-being.

Elizabeth’s philosophy extends beyond perseverance; it’s about curating a life enriched with experiences that foster growth and joy. “From a young age, I’ve been committed to self-improvement and overcoming insecurities, finding solace in solitude and nature” she reflects.

She continues, “Life’s myriad experiences, whether uplifting or challenging, are all lessons that contribute to our growth. I choose to focus on the positive and surround myself with people who not only embody kindness but also inspire me to advance in life. This outlook has propelled me further in my career and in fostering a nurturing environment for my family.”

Her approach to challenges, shaped by her personal trials and triumphs, is marked by an enduring optimism and a selective social circle that reflects her values – kindness, compassion and a shared optimism for growth. “Life’s experiences, both good and challenging, have been instrumental in my growth. I choose to focus on the positive, believing that this mindset will propel me further in all aspects of life, especially in nurturing my family and advancing my career,” she concludes.

Reflecting on both your career and personal life, could you share a defining moment that epitomizes your journey of resilience and success?

Reflecting on defining moments, Elizabeth shares, “A pivotal point in my career was when I first ventured into new construction sales. The thrill of traveling for work, of being part of creating new communities from the ground up, was a dream realized. It underscored the importance of not just achieving professional success but doing so in a way that fulfills your deepest passions and dreams. This balance of success and fulfillment has been a guiding light in my journey.”

How has parenthood influenced your professional identity and your interactions with clients and colleagues?

Discussing the impact of motherhood on her work, Elizabeth notes, “Parenthood has instilled in me a depth of compassion and understanding that I bring to every client interaction. It’s about more than transactions; it’s about building relationships based on respect, knowledge, and a genuine desire to see others succeed. This philosophy has not only shaped my professional identity but has also enriched my relationships with clients and colleagues alike.”

Legacy and Lessons for Your Sons

Looking to the lessons she hopes to pass on, Elizabeth emphasizes the importance of hard work, mindfulness, and compassion. “Above all, I cherish the importance of education and the power of experiential learning. I encourage them to seize every opportunity to learn; for knowledge not only empowers but illuminates paths in the darkest of times. Hard work is the scaffold upon which success is built, lifting you higher in life, surrounded by those who inspire and uplift you.”

She fosters the entrepreneurial spirit in her sons, urging them to be architects of their destiny. “The journey of entrepreneurship is filled with rapid learning and growth. Every experience, every challenge, is a step closer to your dreams. Knowledge is your most potent tool; wield it with wisdom.”

Mindfulness and mental health are emphasized as cornerstones of a balanced life. “Nurture your mind with as much care as you do your aspirations. Kindness, professionalism, and a spirit of service enrich not only your life but those around you.”

Observing Vicenzo’s entrepreneurial success fills Elizabeth with pride. “His journey, blossoming at the tender age of 22, is a testament to the beauty of maturing young and pursuing one’s passions with vigor.” And for Sandro, currently navigating the intricate world of stock analysis and entrepreneurship, Elizabeth sees a bright

future. “Sandro’s dedication to understanding market dynamics and his drive towards innovative business solutions, even as he’s charting his course, reflects his commitment to blend analytical skills with entrepreneurial vision.”

To her beloved sons, she imparts timeless wisdom: “Aspire to surpass me. Let the ceilings of my achievements become the floors upon which you build. Let love guide your journey, for it is the truest measure of success. Be the very best version of yourself in all that you choose to do.”

This legacy of lessons from Elizabeth is a beacon for Vicenzo and Sandro, illuminating their paths, fueling their spirits, and leading them to a future where they live their success in every facet of their lives.

How has building a support system or community been instrumental in your journey, and how do you contribute to the support system for others?

On the importance of building a supportive community, Elizabeth highlights, “Throughout my journey, the relationships I’ve nurtured have been my stronghold. Building good relationships with good people was very important to me. You may count with your fingers how many good people you will have in your life. I would always tell my sons to make good friends with the good ones. Alice and my other lifetime friends played this role and they saw it. Teaching my sons the value of surrounding themselves with positive influences and contributing to our community has been instrumental in our journey together. It’s about giving back, supporting others, and finding strength in the kindness of those around you.”

As you look to the future, both personally and professionally, what aspirations do you hold, and how do you envision your impact evolving?

As I gaze into the horizon of the future, my aspirations are twofold, weaving together the threads of my personal dreams and professional ambitions. At the heart of my professional journey is the desire to expand my realm of influence in the real estate world, venturing beyond the confines of in-house projects to embrace a broader marketplace. My mission is simple yet profound: to bring joy to numerous families by helping them find their dream homes, creating spaces where memories will be cherished and futures envisioned.

On a personal level, the essence of freedom calls to me—a freedom that encompasses the ability to explore new horizons, to purchase a home near my sons, nurturing the bonds of family and togetherness. My passion for creation, rooted deeply in my artistic talents, continues to be a guiding light, fueling my desire to innovate and express. It is this creative fire that I wish to sustain and cultivate, allowing my personal brand and artistic signature to flourish.

My vision for the future is one of growth, not just in the tangible sense of expanding our business and enhancing our professional footprint, but also in the nurturing of my family and the love that binds us. The ability to provide for my loved ones, to ensure their happiness and well-being, remains paramount. It is this foundation of support and care that I hope to strengthen, building a legacy of love, creativity, and success.

In essence, my aspirations for the future are a harmonious blend of professional achievement and personal fulfillment. I envision a path marked by continuous growth, creativity, and connection—a journey where my impact evolves to touch the lives of my family, my clients, and the communities we serve, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change and shared joy.

My Personal Journey with Elizabeth Lao

When my family and I embarked on our journey from Istanbul to Miami in 2013, the landscape was unfamiliar, and the challenges of relocating seemed daunting. It was in this moment of transition that Elizabeth Lao stepped in, not just as a REALTOR® but as a beacon of guidance and support. Her expertise and warmth turned the intimidating process of finding a new home in a new city into a smooth and reassuring experience. Elizabeth didn’t just help us find a place to live; she helped us find a place to call home.

However, Elizabeth’s influence extended far beyond our initial move. As I ventured into the world of real estate myself, it was Elizabeth who first introduced me to the vibrant sector of new development projects. This wasn’t merely an introduction; it was the ignition of a passion that would define my career. Elizabeth’s deep knowledge of and enthusiasm for new developments resonated with me, opening my eyes to the intricacies and opportunities within this niche. Her mentorship was subtle yet profound, instilling in me not just an interest but a fervent passion for real estate development.

As I reflect on my journey from a newcomer in Miami to a passionate professional in real estate development, I am profoundly grateful for Elizabeth Lao’s unwavering support and inspiration. Her expertise facilitated my family’s transition to a new life,

and her passion for new developments ignited a flame within me that continues to burn brightly. Elizabeth’s impact is a testament to the profound influence a dedicated and caring professional can have on the lives and careers of those they touch.

In celebrating Elizabeth Lao, we celebrate the power of mentorship, the importance of passion in one’s work, and the transformative journey of continuous learning and growth. Her legacy in my life is a reminder of where curiosity and professional guidance can lead, inspiring me to approach my career with the same dedication and enthusiasm that she exemplifies.

Elizabeth’s story, richly embroidered with the intricate threads of adversities overcome and victories celebrated, is a living tapestry that bears witness to the formidable power of steadfast perseverance, the profound tenderness of a mother’s love, and the transformative influence of genuine empathy.

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I recognize Elizabeth, not solely for her professional acumen in the art of real estate, but for the nurturing environment she fosters—turning transactions into transitions, houses into homes, and acquaintances into lifelong connections. For those of us graced by her presence in our lives, Elizabeth is more than an agent; she is our unwavering advocate, our trusted confidante, and the embodiment of home itself—a haven of unwavering support, boundless understanding, and enduring warmth. To know Elizabeth Lao is to know that no matter where we find ourselves, we have, in her, a sanctuary of steadfast support and a piece of home we carry with us always.