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In a world of questions and uncertainties, I find it vital to address the inquiries and curiosities about She.Work and, more intimately, about my journey. From the Russian Doll analogy to queries about my leadership and financial motivations, I stand before you, ready to share the deepest corners of my narrative.

Why I’m Committed to She.Work

The question has been echoing around me: Why am I doing She.Work? Why am I not taking the easier path, perhaps indulging in yoga or hiking instead of immersing myself in this relentless endeavor while searching for a job? It’s a question that merits a heartfelt explanation because I receive questions with DM’s, texts, emails, and calls. Some of you are asking me, “Why am I doing this?” and others are asking me, “How am I doing this?” Here are the answers.

Last holiday marked a pivotal moment in my life. I was looking for a job and I decided not to seek another job but to find a role that resonated deeply with my professional goals and personal passions. I was on a quest for something more than the conventional definition of a career. I was looking for a position where I could invest my entire being – my heart, my soul, my values – not just for a paycheck but for a more profound sense of fulfillment.

This journey of introspection and discovery led me to a profound realization: my genuine desire was to create a meaningful and lasting impact. I longed to be part of an environment that wasn’t just mentally stimulating and diverse but also rich in values and positive corporate culture. I want to be part of something larger than myself that can make a difference in people’s lives. This is about finding a position that transcends the traditional job framework and embracing a labor of love and passion. Yes, I am looking for a job nowadays, a job with a great purpose, utopic, right? But I have hope. This time, I am selective. I’m looking for something whose company culture or position is to benefit people, help people, serve people, or make a difference.

The inception of She.Work is the result of a personal journey I’ve been on. This initiative wasn’t an overnight creation but a conscious effort born from a longstanding desire to support and elevate women in their careers. This idea has been percolating in my mind for several years. It’s a vision rooted in my heart that my close friends can attest to. I’m grateful to have numerous witnesses to this journey, especially given my tendency to overflow with creative ideas, a condition I humorously call CIDD (Creative Ideas Diarrhea Disorder). My inner circle, particularly those in our WhatsApp group named “Think Bitches”, have been privileged to every detail of this endeavor. She.Work was conceived and nurtured in our discussions within this group with my best friends.

A pivotal moment was during the pandemic when I shared the concept with my dear friend Lynne from My Family Thyme. I remember telling her, “Hey Lynne, I have a project, and its name is She.Work.” And you know what, she was one of my best supporters since day one.

So, let me clarify, this wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. The idea germinated in my mind for a while, and I finally found the opportunity to cultivate it.

While I continue to seek a job that aligns perfectly with my ideals, She.Work stands as a beacon, not only aiding my growth but also supporting countless other women. This initiative has become more than a project; it’s my commitment to social responsibility, a pledge I intend to uphold indefinitely, even after landing my dream job. I hope my dream job will adopt and support She.Work as well.

I hope this sheds light on the reason behind my dedication to She.Work. It’s more than a venture; it’s a personal mission, a give-back project, and a journey of empowerment that I am passionately committed to for myself and for every woman who seeks more than just a job but a calling.

By the way, I am not spending crazy hours daily for She.Work. Girl, I used to work on National and International Media in Europe. I also worked for a crazy motorsport company that juggled many global crazinesses. The media trained me very well in its bloody hell dynamic. I’ve learned a lot. I loved it a lot. I did everything with pure love. I was made for it. I was made to create and work for the media—never complaint. And Motorsport trained me very well, both mentally and physically.

What I do here is like a hobby for me. Some people do knitting. Some people do quilting or painting. Some bakes. Some cooks. I don’t bake. I do some, but not much. I don’t know how to sew. I tried but had no success with drawing or painting. I took an abstract painting class. Oh gosh, so disappointing. I gave up. I am not good at any form of art that requires hands. But I write. I design with software. I use the software. I am good with computers. I write. I write a lot. I love stories. I love storytelling. I love people. I believe every person has a story. I believe every house has a story. I believe every person has a very unique and interesting story. That’s why I do interviews. That’s all I have to say. I hope that’s clear.

The Russian Doll Analogy, A Metaphor for My Journey

One of you has likened me to a Russian doll and told me how surpriseful I am – a being of many layers, each revealing a new aspect of my story. This analogy resonates deeply with me. My journey has spanned from journalism to embroidery and now to the helm of She.Work. These endeavors weren’t just a career choice but growth, learning, and self-discovery chapters. The embroidery phase, in particular, often surprises people. It was a brief but meaningful exploration, a testament to my belief in the power of diverse experiences. These layers, each unique and vital, have culminated in the creation of She.Work – a manifestation of my multifaceted journey. I am still wondering if it is a compliment or an underestimate. Or maybe this person never believed in me when I said, “I was doing this before I came here.” I have no idea. But the only thing I am sure about is that it wasn’t a positive statement. Since that conversation, this person has liked every post about my silly dog on Facebook but nothing about She.Work, you know what I mean, right? The irony is there.

Who is My Boss? The Autonomy Behind She.Work

A question I often encounter is about the force behind She.Work – who is my boss, and who am I working for? Let me clarify: I am not a mere cog in a machine; I am the architect of this vision. No hidden figure or hidden agenda is pulling the strings. She.Work is my brainchild, born from a genuine desire to see a world where women are empowered to reach their full potential. I am at the helm, steering this ship with a clear vision and an unwavering commitment to our cause. I have lots of dear friends with me who support my dream. We are bossing each other.

Addressing Financial Queries: A Mission Fueled by Passion

I have always believed that financial success follows when you pursue something passionately and authentically. My journey through various careers has never been financially driven first. I never asked how much they would pay me for a job position. Never. Ever. It has always been about the passion, the impact, and the fulfillment it brings with She.Work

My primary focus is not profit; it’s about creating a platform that empowers, supports, and uplifts women. Yes, financial sustainability is essential, of course, She.Work needs sponsors and advertisers, but it is not the cornerstone of my ambition yet. Until I can handle and support everything, I am okay with keeping it up. I am paying for the hosting, the technology needs, and some apps and services from my pocket. I am currently trying some Google Ads and some other Network Ads. I am trying to create a safe algorithm to make money to cover technical costs with some display ads, but I will probably remove it because I don’t want to show our readers anything that I don’t like.

Why Empowering Women Matters to Me

People often ask why I focus on helping women. It’s like asking why we should extend a hand to anyone in need. My dedication to supporting women stems from a deep-seated desire to balance the scales of opportunity. It’s about giving a voice to those who’ve been unheard of and creating a world where our daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends can flourish freely. We were alone when we came to the U.S and while trying to build a family business.

An Emotional Appeal to My Fellow Women

To every woman reading this who has ever felt overlooked, unheard, or solitary, I am speaking to you. I remember the absence of guidance and examples I faced in my early endeavors. I recall the sharp feeling of being alone when I took less common paths. She.Work is my answer to that void – a vibrant and emphatic statement that no woman should start her journey without a network of support, advice, and unity. I am here to hear your story and share it with the world. Please share your story, regardless of its scale or how recent your beginning is. I commit to sharing your news and celebrating you as the star you indeed are!

In Summation: A Journey Shared

With all its layers, my journey is an open book for you to read from the depths of my solitude to the heights of creating She.Work, each step has been a lesson in resilience, hope, and the power of unified voices.

As we progress, I invite you to join me in this mission. Let’s build a world where our dreams are not solitary whispers but collective roars of success. I am an open book. Ready to share. Ready to to act together. I am prepared to play together and support each other.

Let’s weave our stories into a tapestry of empowerment and change. Together, we are unstoppable. Together, we can create an impact while mass media ignores us.

I am a very giving and forgiving person, but not a people-pleaser.

If you come to me one step, I come to you two steps; my friends know that very well.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have anything to ask.

Again, I did not create She.Work for myself.

I create it for us. So use it.

I am very serious about this.

Welcome Debra
Yay! We have an official photographer. Welcome to the team Debra Chute

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What is coming in February?
Free Business Listings for Women-Owned Businesses! No Joke. National. Regional. Local. All Free.

The upcoming interview will melt your heart.
This story will touch your heart. It’s about a strong woman working in medicine at UCONN who achieved her dreams despite being told “You can’t do it,” interestingly, by other women.